Saturday, 23 February 2008

Canalside Studios: Softography

So here are some projects I worked on at Canalside Studios, ahem, and a horrible year it was too...

G3 - Lead Programmer

G3 or Gravitas as it was often refered to inhouse was a Canalside Studios project which was bizzare to say the least. The only way to explain it, is as follows:

Take one cube, add some tetris style block upon its surface, add some bizzare characters, give them suction devices and send them off running after a ball in an attempt to suck the ball up and then shoot it at a target.

The official line would be that it was "cancelled due to lack of resources". Which is true enough, the project always needed more people than it had, the following video is a snippet of the generic features of the engine.

Status: Unfinished & Cancelled, percieved as a R&D project.

Yo Ho Kablammo! - Additional Programmer/Research and Development

The premise of "Yo Ho Kablammo!" is very simple.

Each player controls a pirate ship in a play arena, the premise is to score more points than all the other players, the player with the most points wins.

Players gain points by collecting mines, treasure, and blowing other players ships out of the water.The uniqueness of Yo Ho Kablammo! Is that when the player collects a mine, it is primed to the players colour, any other player which hits the mine then takes some damage as a result, the mines were thrown from a central island by a monkey.

A very successful project, it came second in the 2007 XNA Dream Build Play compitition, held by Microsoft in Seattle at their Gamefest conferance. In coming second in the compitition the project was offered a publishing contract.

Status: The game is still in production by core staff at Canalside Studios, but is due for release on the X-BOX Live! Arcade, at some point in the future.

Hexothermic - 2D Engine

A very simple puzzle game where the player attempts to cause a chain reaction and destroy all the atoms on screen.

The player is limited by the number of clicks which they can spend to change the state of the atoms, the atoms exited in 5 states, after the final state they explode sending out particles which are added onto the surrounding atoms, by causing a chain reaction all the particles on screen could be disposed of.

Status: Unreleased.