Friday, 21 March 2008

Project Update: Solar Flux

Feature: Mesh-Batching

In my last post, which I admit was a while ago (this is because I've been adding loads of new features to Unholy Mess), I was ranting on about Mesh-Batching.

Well since that post, I've integrated Azzaman's Frustum detection and my Bounding Volume Hierarchy code, which means non-visiable meshes are actually not draw, which inadvertantly boosts the total number of meshes that you can play with in a scene to about 100 thousand, which is actually absolutely insane.

So as a result I knocked togeather a little video of an asteroid field, with some depth of field applied (DoF is very expensive, my little laptop cries and slows down to 30FPS), I also did a quick flocking algorithm and stuck some drones in to help give the scene a sense of scale, at which point I removed the DoF. Everything is happily rendered in full HDR !

Anyways, enjoy.

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