Saturday, 1 March 2008

Project Update: Entropy Earth

Feature: Applying the Skin(CPU)

It's really early on in the development of applying a correct 3D skin, to my skeleton of a tree which has been generated using an L-System, but as I actually have something new on screen I thought I'd share it with everyone.

So what's wrong with this picture? There is currently no varience in the radius between trunk and branch, there is no code in place either for correct blending between limbs, nor is there any sort of correction to the verts in regards to direction. This is afterall a very early prototype, I am currently more interested in getting features working than getting it to look all nice and pretty.

If the code is written properly, actually getting the L-System to generate a more accurate tree is a matter of L-System construction, so it can all be tweaked later.

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